Friday, August 8, 2008

Hi I am not dead

I'm not dead, I just haven't been updating this for a while. Then again, I don't have any viewers. Oh well.

Summer's been fine, been in surgery and trying to get an internship has been hard though.
School is starting up by the end of this month and I hope I can get a job on campus, for my internship hopefully.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Small Update

As of 10:14 pm May 7th, I still can not put my comic on scrib'd. It says the process will take a few days, and I will check it out every day or so to see if it surfaces.

Until then, the pdf I have sent to my teacher will have to surfice.

Last Apprasail

My last apprasail for the year. I have a pdf file I was trying to upload to scrib'd, but so far scrib'd has been stupid and ruining my uploads. I think I might just attach it as a pdf file to an email.

As for my website, I played around with Blogger and I came up with this, so you can see some additions and stuff I have brought up.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

3rd Apprasial

So I have my new overview of my graphic novel up as well as some layouts for the webpage. I am having trouble with Fire FTP and Dreamweaver.


Webpage layout ideas:

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Soleil_v001 Character Design

What's this, an anthro?
Soleil is one of the main characters of the mini graphic novel in my mult class. She steams from a small village as the adopted daughter of a blacksmith. While Soleil wants to go off on her own, her step-father would rather have her stay and help him, since he has lost one of his legs due to the escalating war between Bernardia and several of the smaller kingdoms. However, oppotunity arrives by strange ways, and Soleil leaves her village with her one and only friend, the pony Thunderclap with an injured Gerlert Knight named Reas. She must bring him to Fallon, a Night Nekoyo who knows many things, many things that also have to do with Soleil and her destiney...
Coming up next, Reas!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Update on Apprasial

I have all three projects on scribd.

Please see here:


Update on project apprasial

I just uploaded my CLU 24 and my LA 24 layouts on Scridb, but I have encountered a few problems.

Here is a link:

Also very bad I have not been able to do my interview. I do not have my professional interview's phone number.


Project Analysis

These are two different weblinks to my graphic novel project.

Kingdom's Fall:


I have yet to pull up scanned images of my website project, so that will be done as soon as possible".